My Hobbies

My Hobbies

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Every man rides his own Hobby. It s a leisure time activities for fun or recreation.
IF you think hobbies are a pastime of days gone by, think again. Granddad’s coin collection may have been a conversation piece for several generations, but today's active men and women are making time for a range of even more stimulating leisure activities.
Hobbyists even come in the form of celebrities and notables with demanding careers and very public lives. For people with famous and public faces, hobbies are a welcome respite--relaxing, recharging outlets to escape and keep sanity intact.

Collecting books is my hobby and it going on from my school life. From the starting I used to collect Islamic books alone. For example, Islamic way of life, Bukhari sharif, Holy Quran in different language, The Bible and many others which in Bengali language.
Some of books I have collected from my Yemen and Saudi Arabia’s friends. I want to make it rich by ample of different type of books throughout my life. It will become a library and serve people knowledge which enriches people’s humanity.
I now have planned to save some money from my daily expense and will expense a fixed amount (5%) to Islamic activities purpose. I appreciate The Almighty will assist me to complete my hobby effectively.